This page is a collection of links in the spirit of the world wide web. Some are to projects or friends of mine. Some are to cool and impressive stuff or people. Some are to useful or funny things. Happy surfing!
Interesting things I am or was involved in.
Amazing people I know. You are still amazing even if you are not on this list.
- London Breakbeat Orchestra - Brain child of friends Rosie Strobel and Cimeon Ellerton, the London Breatbeat Orchestra aims to bring the classical orchestra up to date, augmenting it with modern electronic techniques and bringing it to the venues and nightclubs traditionally associated with DJs. As heard on radio 1 and at the Eurostar Kings Cross terminal opening (November 23/24 2007).
- Mansie Verma - Amazing designer from India and my partner in crime for the Bubble and Squeak installation.
- Ella Barclay - The blog of the wonderful "crappy aesthetic" artist. For evidence, check:
- Gwyneth Herbert - Beautiful singer and songwriter, really nice girl. Has albums released on Blue Note and Universal.
- Vasudeva Yoga - My former flatmate is a qualified Sivananda yoga teacher. His website has interesting information about the history and philosophy of yoga and about him and his classes.
- Pixel Mechanics - One of the sound design MSc students when I was at Edinburgh. Laptop musician and web designer. Currently studying towards a PhD in composition.
- Good Luck Boys - An experimental music collective including an old pal and former MMus student Samuel Lilly. Free mp3s and all!
- - Martin Parker one of my former lecturers and an amazing digital artist. Source of great inspiration for me.
- Michael Edwards - A former lecturer and tutor of mine and composer of modern classical music. His performances are some of the best I've ever seen.
- Brahea Gardens - Website of French sound and installation artist Didier Tallec. Acquaintance and nice fellow.
- The 48 - Mad weegie and my former computer programming for music technology tutor: Stu's band.
- The Stuff of Hamish Brains - Programming design and diatribe in yet another blog. But this one belongs to my pal.
- Trial by Shorthand - An interesting looking blog written by an old friend Robert Davies who is now a qualified journalist!
- Sound Ninja Studios - Website of an old friend of mine, Edward Schroeder. Has a nice set of free VSTs (pluggo based) to download.
- Belly Lorna - The blog of Lorna Gow, a belly dancer. I played the darbuka drum for her classes with the Edinburgh University African and Arabic Dance Society.
- Regis Bouffay - Prize-winning French painter and acquaintance.
- Mars Walkers - Acquaintance, karl-otto von oertzen, is one member of this very interesting art duo
- Missing Twin - Website of Malcy Duff. Scottish artisty guy who draws pictures and makes experimental/noise type music and stuff.
- Giant Tank - Scottish experimental free noise (!music) type collective.
- Senson Design Sonore - A Paris-based sound designer friend.
- Cathaly Hautefort - Parisienne jazz singer with whom I worked in the summer of 2008
People I wish I knew. Plus cool stuff made by people.
- Sven König - author of the sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ! program for chopping up video and reordering it by cleverly finding the most closely matched audio snippet to a live signal. (Explanation impossible in one sentence, go watch the video!)
- Banksy - Successful politically minded graffiti artist gone semi-overground.
- The Forest Cafe - arts space, volunteer run, self funding, not-for-profit, provides always-free access. I miss you guys so much.
- St Cecilia's Hall - The oldest purpose built concert hall in Scotland.
- I, Cringely - Weekly tech column that is always nicely written and usually quite interesting.
- John Cage - Performing "Water Walk" In January 1960 on the popular American TV show "I've Got a Secret".
- Lawrence Lessig - Intellectual property rights reform campaigner and an important figure in the creative commons movement.
- Photosynth demo - Amazing new tech that automatically finds photos (such as pictures of notre dame from flickr) of the same thing and maps them together into a explorable kinda universe... go check the video
- NeoOffice - A great free/libre office suite. It is a port of open office for OS X written in java. It's much, much faster than it used to be.
- Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville - Parisian typesetter and tinkerer who made the oldest known sound recording in the mid 1800s, at least 20 years before Edison. It was never destined to be reproduced however, his goal was in fact to visualise and read sound. Researchers have recently been able to extracted a haunting female voice singing au Claire de la Lune.
These are links to resources such as reference guides, tutorials, sample sites and such like that I have found useful for the particular sorts of things that I do.
- InfrarEd - A resource for finding all sorts of creative commons licensed digital media created by students at the University of Edinburgh.
- The Freesound Project - A collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds.
- Max MSP forum - An excellent place to find discussion and help with Max MSP.
- Dogs on Acid - The Grid - Drum and Bass production and dance music discussion forum.
- HTML Dog - This site has a bunch of progrssive html tutorials which I found to be simple, web standards based, and presented intelligently and in good humour.
- Find sounds - Search the internet for sounds!
- Tank FX - Natural reverb while-U-wait. Have your uploaded sound rerecorded in a giant tank, and download the result from the comfort of your web browser! This page hasn't worked for a little while, maybe try it anyway... they might just be busy.
- aka.objects - Some very useful Max MSP objects, including speech synthesis and recognition, wii remote communication, ambient light and tilt sensors... you name it.
- Bibliothéque du Conservatoire de rouen - I can't find this using Google so this is more for me than anyone else! With a bit of luck this will help Google pick it up.
- html codes for special characters - Like "e acute" and so on.
Time Wasters
These are websites that I like to go to to waste a bit of time. Some are educational, some are just funny, some are cool and arty. Enjoy.
- Slashdot - News and discussion site for nerds. Tends to be pro linux, pro IP reform etc with some very intelligent discussion.
- Home Star Runner - You can't get much awesomer than a good old Strongbad flash cartoon!
- The Wonderful World of Larry Carlson - Mulitmedia flash art. Surreal, beautiful and frequently updated.
- Money as Debt - Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation telling what money is and how it is created. Watch it - a real eye-opener.
- Beware the magical iPhone - This made me laugh
- Cursor*10 - An amazing flash game by Nekogames where you have to cooperate with yourself! Minimalist and clever.
- This is my Jam - Choose a few songs and the website constructs a little mini mix, beatmatching and crossfading short extracts of each song automatically. You can then put their little flashplayer on your site etc.
- - The Independant Media Center is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage.
The name Peter Reid is very common as google will tell you. While trying to find myself online I came across various Reid related sites and pages.